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Why and how we will offer a variable model without recurring fees for Amazon sellers

I’ve already said it. We are going to launch a non-agency. What we are not looking for are clients but partners. We have the knowledge and the tools to improve a business that already meets some basic requirements.


1 Why we will work in the new non-agency with large partners
2 Requirements to become a partner of ours
3 Business model
Why we will work in the new non-agency with large partners
There is a very simple rule that I have understood for years but that I have not yet been able to fully implement in all my businesses. As an external person or company you always provide much more value when you have a large client compared to a small one.

It is common sense.

An increase in turnover of x% has a much greater absolute impact if the base is larger.
A reduction in costs in the same way also has a much more relevant impact.
That is why we will bet less on small clients. In fact, what we consider clients will continue to be managed through Beguerrilla with “micro-services”. For an agency or external consultant to be profitable fo belize phone number library any business, it must have reached a critical mass through its own capabilities. No consultant or company in the world works miracles in the form of turning a small business into one that invoices millions, and even less so if it does not receive the means to do so. If you are small, you have a small budget and a small budget achieves few results.

phone number library

Requirements to become a partner of ours

Once again, we will be selective when Hulumtimi i tregut dhe analiza e industrisë janë gjithashtu choosing our partners. We have something valuable to offer and it is important to have a good match. We do not want to waste our time or make anyone else waste theirs by betting on a relationship that is not the most appropriate.

Existing Amazon turnover of 250,000 euros per year or a well-known brand that has not yet launched its own Amazon account.
Total annual turnover of the business 3 million euros.
Product(s) suitable america email list for sale through Pan-Eu.
As you can see, the main criteria is turnover and brand strength. When there is already a critical mass, that is when we can have the maximum possible impact on the client’s business. I don’t feel like justifying to a small client who is not willing (or cannot) invest in marketing why they are not yet selling x-products when I have explained to them in the first meetings before hiring us that “we are not magicians” and that it will be a slow process of 6-18 months in which noticeable results will be seen.

Business model

There will be a phase with a kind of “due diligence”. We will ask for data about the company and the account to analyse the potential in depth. We already consider this as part of the ramp-up and set-up even though there is a possibility that a collaboration proposal will not be made in the end.

This phase 0 will have a cost. For us it is already the first filter because the company that is not willing to invest this amount of money will not be for us. You have to be able to afford not to have to increase your turnover by 100% in the first month. “We are not magicians” but we do magic if you give us a little more time and let us work calmly. You always have those companies that put pressure on you from the very beginning and that simply doesn’t help you make the best decisions for your business in the medium and short term.

Once we take action, we participate in the success with a percentage of the turnover. It will be fun to continue detailing the programs and find a name for the business.

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