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What the Future Looks Like for Written Content

In today’s lesson, I want to talk to you about written content vs other mediums and respond to a few questions I’ve been getting lately about which medium is best to focus upon and to answer the question – is the future of written content dead!

In Australia – we’re running two events.  Brisbane is 29-30 July and Melbourne is 5-6 August.

There’s two options with tickets in asb directory  both cities. On the Saturdays we’ll be doing a larger single stream day with 7 sessions. Pat, myself and some other special guests will be teaching on how to monetize blogs. We’ll be talking monetization models, content, traffic, engagement and conversion.

On the Sundays there’s an option to upgrade your ticket to come to a mastermind day.

If you’re in the US, I am co-presenting/hosting an event in Dallas on 24-25 October. I’m doing this in partnership with the Digital CoLab and we’re calling it the Success Incubator.


We have a limited number of tickets and they’re already selling fast.

You can see what we’re planning and grab your ticket at:

problogger.com/success, where there’s currently an Early Bird ticket available that saves you $50.

OK – that’s enough about our events – let’s get into today’s show where we’re going to talk about the place of written content in blogging today.

Mentioned in todays episode – A series by Colin Gray on Content Stacking.


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Hey there and welcome to episode 187 of the ProBlogger podcast. My name is Darren Rowse and I’m the blogger behind the ProBlogger.com – blog, podcast, event, job board updated 2024 mobile phone number data and  This is going to make the world better but also, hopefully, be sustainable for you to build some profit into your blog. You can learn more about ProBlogger and all that we do over at ProBlogger.com.

In today’s lesson, I want to talk to you about written content versus other mediums, other types of content. I want to respond to a few questions that I’ve been getting lately about which medium is best to focus upon and if there’s any future in the written word. Is the future of the written content dead? I want to address in today’s podcast.

updated 2024 mobile phone number data


I’ll have some news for you about this year’s Pro

Blogger event in Australia and the USA, and how you can get some early bird tickets to both those. Today, I’m pleased to announce what we’re doing. I’m Over in the show notes. We’ve got Pat Flynn coming out to speak from Smart Passive Income. He’s coming out to Brisbane and Melbourne on consecutive weeks. Brisbane is the 29th and 30th of July and Melbourne is the 5th and 6th of August.

There are two options for tickets in both 4 начина за внедряване на най-ефективния ритъм на продажбите of those cities as well. We’re doing two-day events as you know. The first day, in both cities is a larger single stream day with a seven sessions. Pat, myself and some other special guest will be teaching you on the topic of monetizing blogs.  Some engagement tips and.  A little bit about conversion, making the money from all that stuff. That’s the first day. It’s everyone in the same room. We’ll have 100 plus people in on that day.

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