At Lead Magnet, we haven’t yet set out to discover the secrets of Thai cuisine, at least not professionally. Do you want to know what TOFU, MOFU and BOFU are in the field of B2B marketing ? Let us tell you, it’s about a funnel – a marketing funnel .
TOFU – the first stage of the marketing funnel
The marketing funnel is a well-known strategy that uses different tactics depending on what stage of the buying process the client is in. TOFU ( Top of the Funnel ) is the initial stage, the stage where the funnel is widest. In the TOFU stage, you need to focus on brand awareness .
In the TOFU phase, your goal is to engage the customer , draw overseas chinese in europe data them in to your offering, let them know that your product exists, and show them why it will be useful to them. Therefore, you should focus primarily on discovering where your customers are, what content is relevant to them, and what resonates with them. If the TOFU phase is successful, customers “fall” down the funnel to the next phase – MOFU .
A client at MOFU wants to know more
In the MOFU ( Middle Of Funnel ) phase , the client is already aware of your brand and product, and therefore it is necessary to build their “interest”. A client who is in the MOFU how to respond to criticism? stage wants to learn more about your product. So don’t just create content that will attract a wide audience to click through and get to know you. If you want to keep the client, work on the MOFU . Show that you understand marketing funnel your field, can give advice, and provide solutions to the problem. Typical examples of content in the MOFU are mailing campaigns, case studies, FAQs on the blog, webinars, etc.
BOFU – on the road to conversion
At BOFU ( Bottom of the funnel ) , we find ourselves in the narrowest part of the marketing funnel. The client in the BOFU phase is already ready to close the deal . You have captivated him and given him all the information he needed. He has also probably “looked” at the competition. Without conversion , school email list the efforts in the previous phases would have been in vain. How to ensure it? In this phase, the client can be pushed by a free trial, a live demo, a consultation offer, etc. Do you want to “shine” a little more on the marketing funnel? Read the article How important is it to have a funnel , in which our Jindra looked at the marketing funnel from a slightly different angle.