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How to learn to protect yourself and your interests

I could rehearse my speech many times, but as soon as a dialogue with a real person began, I felt a strong pressure on my chest, as if I was being push, and my voice never sound convincing because it was shaking, and there were tears in my eyes. I look like a child who was trying to get her way with whims, although inside I was seething with anger, but already at myself, that I could not take control of the situation. One day I got tir of it.

First of all, when there is a ne and determination to defend boundaries, you ne to ask yourself the question:

Why am I not doing this?

Secondly, is there any benefit for me from the current state of affairs?

Only by diving into crypto users database self-exploration can I find and uncover the reasons why I cannot allow myself to show irritation and anger, so that my voice is heard and I am seen. On this path, it is great to enlist the support of a specialist who will prompt and guide. It may be difficult for one, but in the office of a psychologist the path will be pass safely and more effectively.

Techniques to your interests Overcome the Fear of Failure
Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Developer of the theory of adaptive intelligence
The psyche is design in such a way that it always tries to protect its owner. Any fear is a protective reaction of the body, which helps to notice the threat in time and take measures.

Sources of Fear of Failur

eprivation or significant limitation of independence at an early age.
Disproportionate reaction of parents to failures. Cruel punishment for the same offense.
A ban on your interests showing aero leads feelings (“we don’t cry in our family”), ignoring the child’s experiences, boycotts.
Excessive demands recenze innovation credit union 2023 on academic performance at school, criticism for poor grades.
Parents devaluing the child’s victories and achievements and lack of praise for what has been done.


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