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Write regularly and be consistent

Write long content, preferably more than 800 words, for two fundamental reasons: quality and seo.

Don’t write a post and if I’ve seen you, i won’t remember you. Try to make a publication calendar so you don’t abandon your blog. Of course, quality should always be above quantity.

Link to your own content (if related) in your posts

There are a thousand and one more tricks and, as you will see, you don’t need to be a super expert.

By following some basic tips, you can greatly improve your positioning.

3. Have you considered any content marketing strategy?
Almost nobody does this.

You have a blog and all you care about is writing and sharing on social media like crazy.

Bad, very bad.

Even if it takes some time, it is important when singapore phone number library it comes to getting readers.

Keep in mind that people are not stupid and do not share for the sake of sharing.

You need to actively seek out readers for your If you have written a great article blog, so now is the time to consider creating your own content marketing strategy .

Define your goals and set some

metrics that will serve as a guide to whether you are on the right track or not.

When you write content, one of your goals is to share that content, to generate trust in your brand so that you can gradually gain positioning.

One of the keys to this whole process is that b2b phone list the posts you write and the content you write are shared on social media so that you can create a community around your brand that is good and, above all, participatory.

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