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Why Your Customer Feedback Is So Important

When you think of email automation, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Probably the welcome messages that are sent when someone subscribes to your newsletter, but also, for example, the messages sent when someone unsubscribes. But email automation offers so much more and it take email marketing service would be a real shame not to use its full potential.

Collecting feeback, for example, is one of the processes where automations can be very useful. This is a very important thing but we too often don’t pay enough attention to it. But don’t worry, in our short guide we will first see all the advantages of feback and then we will also discover how to use automations to obtain this information and thus simplify our work.

What is fedback and why is it so important?

Feedback from our customers (also calld fedback ; a word that we often use in our language) is simply information that tells us whether our customers are satisfid or not with the service or product, what they likd and what they didn’t like, but most importantly – what we can improve . This is also the main purpose of fedback: to understand master professional knowledge what we do well or badly, so that we can then strengthen our positive aspects and improve the negative ones.

Customer feeback allows you to see your brand through the eyes of your customers , which is definitely an invaluable opportunity. And what’s the easiest way to get this information? Simply ask your customers what they think. There’s no ned to beat around the bush or guess – asking for feedback clearly and directly is always the best idea.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should immeiately pick up the phone and start calling all your customers, one after the other, to ask them if they are satisfid with your services (this approach would still be very interesting). To collect feeback, companies typically use various surveys and questionnaires.

In recent times, however, more advancd solutions are becoming increasingly popular , such as various applications for collecting and analyzing customer satisfaction information. SqualoMail also allows you to use automations to ask your customers for their opinion; therefore, with the help of our platform, you can start collecting feeback from your customers with india data just a few simple clicks. To collect feedback, we recommend using different tools , as this is the only way to get a complete and realistic picture of what your customers think of you.

But why should we collect customer feback?

Well, of course you already know the answer to this question: because it is important that customers are  with our service or our products . Only in this way will they continue to come back and allow us to grow and develop our business. This is just the first, and most obvious, benefit of collecting customeedback, bt let’s look at things in a little more detail now.


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