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Why eCommerce is so important

There are endless reasons why the trend of all professionals now is eCommerce!
E-commerce is one of the powerful online tools (perhaps the main one) that can bring huge benefits to your business by helping it grow. But let’s see some of its advantages.

Clearly we all know that online retailers have more exposure to a wider audience. Traditionally a brick-and-mortar store is limit to the customer base that lives or works near it, or those who might be passing through on a trip. On the other hand, an attractive, modern and well-organiz e-commerce store can be reach by an unlimit number of Internet users. In fact, in a survey of store owners with a retail website, almost half said they have seen a very significant increase in their sales

There are no geographical restrictions

Yes, you heard right! In contrast to a physical store that is “lock” in the geographical area it serves, an online store can be access by customers from all over the world. That is, you have the ability to discover your audience whether they are in Britain, South America or neighboring countries. This allows you to price and market your 2024 fresh whatsapp number list products competitively to a global audience.

An e-commerce store is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Customers can buy any product from anywhere in the world without leaving their workplace or home via the Internet. This makes the store more accessible to consumers.

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Personalization e-shop

With a simple Facebook ad you can attract someone even at 4 in the morning. By being available around the clock, you can attract Tettere relasjoner m kundene dine people who may have odd work schules or don’t have time to shop in person.

Personalization is also one of the advantages of online businesses since it is able to improve the online shopping experience. You can “move” a customer who visit your store by showing them an ad for a product they add to their cart and b2c fax possibly forgot about. If your online business has a login feature, you can display a welcome message like “Welcome back (name)”. You can also personalize their experience bas on what the customer has review or what you think they might like bas on their buying behavior.

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