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When is the best time to send an SMS Marketing campaign?

This is one of the big questions that every person who works in marketing has asked themselves at some point. And this is because the answer will be a key factor for the success of mass SMS campaigns . Fundamental to obtaining a positive action from customers.

We have to take into account that we spend an average of almost 5 hours a day connected to our mobile phones. However, not all of these hours are useful from a strictly commercial point of view. So, to obtain successful results, it is essential to choose the day and time of our communications well.

Choosing the right time to send an SMS marketing campaign

Knowing that this raises many questions, we have list of macedonia cell phone number carried out an analysis of the functioning of mass SMS campaigns. We wanted to find out which day has the most traffic. Thus, according to data from this study that we have carried out, Wednesday is the preferred day for companies to send their campaigns. But not all industries send on the same day. Each one, based on the behaviour of its audience and its objectives, sends SMS on the day that best suits it.


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However, the day is not everything and the time also has a great influence. Sending communications at 9:00 in the morning is not the same as sending them in the afternoon. If you want to send something relevant, don’t send it at times when you might annoy your customers. Your message would be perceived as intrusive and will generate a bad experience.


Let’s now look at an example. The case of a restaurant that wants to send an SMS informing its target audience of a daily menu offer. The best time to send this SMS would be creating wide open job opportunities for between eleven and twelve noon. This way, there is enough time to take reservations and for diners to organize themselves.


The moment in which the client receives the SMS is decisive, since there are specific times of the day when the target will be more receptive. To find out these details, our recommendation is that, before sending an SMS Marketing campaign, a detailed study of the client’s cz lists profile, known as buyer persona , is carried out . This will allow us to know if the user is more active in the morning or in the afternoon, or, on the contrary, if they usually connect on weekends.

What kind of message are you going to send?

Tips on the best times to send an SMS Marketing campaign
Know your customer and their habits
What kind of message are you going to send?
Frequency of messages
Test and analyze campaign results
Avoid compromising situations

Know your customer and their habits

Our goal is to impact you at the moments when you will be most likely to read our SMS. We don’t want our communications to go unnoticed.

Another relevant factor is the type of SMS messages we send. Sending an offer or discount for a promotional campaign, such as Black Friday, is not the same as sending a reminder for an appointment. Although, in the case of the promotion, we will launch the campaign from Monday to Friday at the agreed time, when we make the reminder of the appointment, we will communicate it 24 hours in advance to facilitate the retention of the appointment. In addition, by doing so with sufficient time, the user will be able to cancel the appointment if he or she cannot attend and the company will have a margin to be able to offer that time to another person.


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