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What is a marketing drum?

Do you know what a marketing drum is? At Lead Magnet, we liken the life cycle of a lead to the wash cycle of a washing machine . And this analogy has worked for us countless times. Read more about how leads are washed and how the marketing drum came to be.

Where did the marketing drum originate?

The marketing drum is a kind of “lead magnet” delicacy, a theory that our Jindra brought from his former marketing “engagement”. And because the marketing drum has taken hold, it is close to us and our clients, we consider it our marketing duty to illuminate it, explain it and proudly subscribe to it .

Do you have a washing machine at home? And can we see it?

Do you have a washing machine at home? And marketing drum have amazon database you ever had your laundry washed? If so, you know what is needed. Washing powder, fabric softener, laundry, clean water. All of this comes together in the washing machine, or rather in its drum. And yes, those who are more observant will notice that we are getting to the heart of the matter. The drum.

How are leads washed and what to do with dirty laundry?

During the washing cycle, the laundry, together with the detergent and other “ingredients” in the drum of the washing machine, spins and hits each other and the walls of the washing machine. And that is the basis of our analogy. Everything that comes into the drum of the washing machine is lead . So when we 4 ways to respond to criticismprepare the laundry, it is essentially a lead ge n .

Every bump of laundry against the drum during marketing drum washing symbolizes contact with lead for us. How we pamper and care for it, how we sort it, how we handle it after school email list obtaining it. And when it is washed and the washing machine beeps, we take out the clean laundry and everything we don’t need – dirty water, leftover powder, etc. – flows away in the waste.

And clean laundry that needs to be dried and ironed is already material for merchants. Pure lead , a raw diamond that needs to be polished before you can wear it to a gala performance.

How do you like our analogy of the lead life cycle with laundry? Do you have your own? Or don’t you and want to do laundry with us? Let us know – together we’ll find enough laundry, the right detergent and other necessities, and pull out fragrant clean laundry from the drum. What do you think?

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