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What I learned yesterday in Nuremberg after a disappointing meeting

I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone. A ten-hour round trip train ride from Cologne to Nuremberg. I was going to close the first big B2B deal for our brand at the world’s largest toy fair. At least in my dreams.

The promise from the person I was talking to was that I would be able to talk to people in the purchasing department. In the end I didn’t have those conversations but instead I was talking to people who tried to sell me membership in an association by paying 5,000 euros for it. Well, I’ll spare you the details…

Stand behind

When I got up from that table and left the stand behind, I still hadn’t realized that I had been tricked. I still had time and decided to take advantage of the time to walk around the stands one more time to see if there was any contact that could be of interest to me for the resale part on Amazon.

I visited two or three big brands without any big news or surprises. Nobody sells you directly, you have to jump through the hoops of the big distributor who eats up part of the margin, which then leaves no possibility of selling those products profitably.

I was about to leave there to wait for my train back when I saw two mascots of the brand that I always refer to in my sales summaries as “former top seller”. I approached and asked the mascot “Hey, where is your stand?” A man who is with them answers and tells me the number. Ok, I get going.

It wasn’t easy to find because cambodia phone number library that place looks like a labyrinth. I enter a room where it seems that there are only big brands with giant stands. I go to the Lego one. Everything is closed, they only let you in by appointment.

phone number library

Then I see the Playmobil one

More of the same. “They won’t let me Hvorfor er kundeservice så viktig? talk to anyone” crosses my mind but I have nothing to lose by asking. “I would like to talk to someone in sales” I say to a woman who looks at me. “Well, here we are,” she said, looking at her two companions at her side.

I’ll summarize the america email list rest because this whole writing in dialogue thing is getting long. I’ll tell her my problem. I can’t buy the product that’s profitable.

I’m not interested in buying the products that they sell to everyone because that’s not profitable. I have 200,000 euros in the bank that I want to invest. Well, it’s a little less, but it’s just to round things up.

Another person

approaches who, apparently, is now the new person in charge of “special deals.” It seems that I can buy those sets that I know are profitable but that they only bring out on special occasions and with purchase limitations that complicate the issue.

So after having an initial decision, this trip can end up being very profitable. In the best case scenario, it can generate 50,000 euros or more.

Conclusion: I have to go out more. It’s not enough to just sit at home. If you move, unexpected opportunities like these open up. I already knew it, but it’s different if you experience it again first hand.

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