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What Does Private College Cost? Here Are the Details!

Entering the world of college does require a lot of preparation. You have to prepare various things carefully, starting from choosing a major, campus, to the costs.

Tuition fees in Indonesia tend to increase every year due to various factors that are often a topic of conversation for prospective students, students who are studying, and even parents.

Especially if you do not have the opportunity to study at a state campus and decide to continue your studies at a private campus. At private campuses, there are also a number of tuition fee components that you need to pay in the new semester. What are they? Check out the explanation of private tuition fees in this article!

Why You Should Enter a Private Campus

Before looking at the components of private tuition fees, you should first know the advantages that can be a strong reason why you study at a private campus.

1. Quality that is not inferior to PTN
The quality at several private campuses can be said to be almost on par with state campuses. In fact, according to the QS Asia University Rankings 2021, 5 of the top 20 best campuses in Indonesia come from private campuses. The five universities are: Binus University, Telkom University, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, and Islamic University of Indonesia.

In addition, there are also quite a few private campuses in Indonesia that have A accreditation, including: Gunadarma University, Dian Nuswantoro University, Surabaya University, Satya Wacana Christian University, Tarumanegara University, and so on.

2. Have Complete Facilities

Many private campuses pay close attention buy telemarketing data to the facilities available on their campus. This is of course done in order to attract prospective new students to study at the campus.

In fact, quite a few private campuses have several campuses in different locations with super complete and modern facilities to support their students’ lectures.

3. Many Scholarship Offers
At private campuses, you also have the opportunity to get a very large scholarship. Almost every private campus has scholarship offers for every prospective new student. This scholarship is also available when you are already a student.

4. Easier and More Diverse Entry Paths

Admission of new students to private universities follows the guidelines of each campus. Private campuses usually have more diverse admission pathways than state universities. You can register through various available pathways.

In addition, the registration process until you are officially accepted at the PTS is also relatively easier. You don’t need to prepare yourself as tightly as when preparing for SBMPTN or the PTN Independent Exam. This is because the competition to enter private campuses also tends to be smaller.

5. More Flexible Time
One of the advantages of private campuses compared to state campuses is the flexibility of lecture times. Many private campuses offer employee class lectures that allow you to study in the afternoon until evening.

Therefore, for those of you who are currently working, of course employee classes will really help you to be able to study in college while still working to finance your daily life.

Types of Tuition Fees at Private Campuses

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1. Fees or Initial Fees
The first private tuition fee that you have to pay when studying at a private university is the initial fee. This initial fee is also commonly referred to as the Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) or building fee.

You are required to pay it when you first enter and only pay it once during college when registering for college. Universities also usually provide relief so that the initial fee can be paid in installments each semester

The amount of the initial fee to be paid is pagkuha at pamamahala ng mga lead quite diverse, starting from millions to hundreds of millions of rupiah. This depends on each university and the department you want to enter.

2. Pre-lecture Fees

In addition to the initial fee, you will also pay a number of pre-lecture fees before taking lectures. This pre-lecture fee is intended for administrative purposes, alma mater jackets, student cards, academic orientation, and other fees.

3. Tuition and UKT Fees
The next fee that you will pay is the Education cl lists Development Contribution (SPP) or Single Tuition Fee (UKT) which will be paid each time you enter a new semester.

You need to know that each campus applies different semester fees. Both SPP and UKT have differences in determining their fees. UKT is divided into several groups that are adjusted to the parents’ income and usually there are six UKT fee groups. UKT is implemented in PTN based on Permendikbud No. 55 of 2013. While SPP does not recognize cost grouping and the costs are determined by the university itself

4. SKS Fees
In addition to the semester fees for SPP or UKT, at private universities you will also pay SKS (Semester Credit System) fees. The details of these tuition fees are determined based on the.

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