Failures are a part of life. They happen, it’s normal. You can survive a failure, learn from it, and move forward. The main thing is to ask yourself: “What did this teach me? What do I now know about how to act in the future?”
In case of failure, it is important to support yourself, not to run away from unpleasant feelings. Find those who will be there. Try to imagine how this situation will be perceived in 10 years.
Techniques for independent work
Keep a diary of victories and forex database achievements: daily note what you have done well (at least one achievement).
Ask other people what helps them overcome their fear of failure.
Make a list of your on ourselves knowledge, skills and abilities.
Write an answer to the question: “What can I do to increase my chances of success?” For example, study, ask, ask on ourselves for help, make an action plan.
Remember what achievements you had in life, even if others did not notice them.
The “One More Try” technique
The “One More Try” technique allows you to achieve significant success in the fight against the fear of failure. Its essence is simple. When in doubt, you need to tell yourself: “Even if nothing works out now, I’ll just try again.” Try again and again. Regular use of this technique trains the brain to see new experience instead of failure.
Thomas Edison: “I have on ourselves the complete guide to seo in latin america never failed. I have simply found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
If we can’t on ourselves cope on our own
If you understand that on ourselves aero leads you can’t cope on your own, it’s better to consult a psychologist. As a rule, this is not just one consultation. Much depends on what is hidden under the fear of failure.