Knowing how to remove photo backgrounds online can help those of you who want to replace the background with other colors or other interests.

In the past, removing photo backgrounds was not easy, but now, technological developments have made removing photo backgrounds easier and faster through various platforms and applications, such as Removebg,, to Canva.

Usually, removing photo backgrounds is needed by those who want to apply for jobs, attach photos for diplomas, and so on.

To help you remove photo backgrounds online for free and quickly, Dewaweb has summarized some of the information in the article below. Happy reading, huh!
Removebg is one way to remove photo backgrounds automatically. This application uses artificial intelligence technology to detect the background and remove the background. There are several advantages that you can experience when using this platform, such as being free from watermarks, being able to access it from various devices, to the speed in removing photo backgrounds. Here are some ways to remove photo backgrounds online that you can do.

Open the website through a browser on your device, such as a laptop, computer, or cellphone.
Click the ‘Upload Image’ button and select the photo you want to remove the background from.
The photo background was successfully removed and you can click the ‘Download’ button to get the photo.

How to remove photo background

Apart from Removebg, removing photo backgrounds can also be done by using the Slazzer platform. The Slazzer platform works quite practically and efficiently just like Removebg. Not only Latest Mailing Database removing the background, you can also change the background to another color until it’s transparent. Here are the steps to remove photo backgrounds online that can be done.

Open the website address through a browser on your device, such as a laptop, computer, to cellphone.
Click the ‘Upload Image’ button and select the photo you want to remove the background from.
The photo background is automatically removed and you can click the ‘Download’ button to get the photo on your device.
Also read: 9 Ways to Change Photo Backgrounds Online, Free!

How to remove photo background – removal

Latest Mailing Database

The next platform that can be used to remove photo backgrounds is As the name suggests, this platform utilizes artificial intelligence technology to apply a method of DEB Directory removing the background behind objects. So, how does work?

Open the website address through a browser on your device, such as a laptop, computer, to cellphone.
Click the ‘Choose a Photo’ button and select the photo you want to remove the background from.
The photo background is automatically removed and you can click the ‘Download’ button to get the photo on your device.