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Want to study at LSPR? Check the LSPR tuition fees here!

Entering a private college is an option for most students. Usually the chances of being accepted at a private university are much greater and the selection process is not as strict as at a state university. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about not getting a place at college.

Even so, for those of you who have just graduated

from high school and want to continue to college, of course you don’t want to choose a campus carelessly. This is because education in college will later become provisions for continuing life in the future. In Indonesia itself, there are many private campuses that are competing to become the best private college in Indonesia.

One of the best private universities that you can choose is The London School of Public Relations (LSPR). So, what are the faculties and how much does it cost to study at LSPR? Let’s see the information below.

LSPR Explanation

Currently, LSPR or London School of Public Relations has changed its name to LSPR Communication and Business Institute due to the existence of a business faculty that includes three other departments. This campus has been established since 1992 and officially changed its name in 2020 because along with the continued growth of LSPR, so that currently LSPR has two faculties, namely Communication and Business where LSPR tuition fees are guaranteed not to be burdensome.

LSPR is a campus managed by Yayasan Pesona Pribadi Sejahtera and the system on this campus is already international standard with ISO 9001: 2008 from URS (UK) for Quality Management System issues. Although it has an international standard system, the tuition fees at LSPR are still very affordable.

The LSPR campus is also known to have successfully

won a series of prestigious awards, including Best  database shop of The Best Indonesia School of Communications since 2014 and 2015, as well as the Indonesian Best Communications Award for Three Consecutive Years (2012-2014) based on the MIX & Business Digest survey.

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Since 2002, LSPR has successfully obtained A accreditation for their Bachelor of Communication Studies Program and the Faculty of Business which is ready to produce reliable graduates in their fields. In addition, LSPR also has a Postgraduate Program for Communication Studies with various concentrations to choose from.

LSPR is also known as a champion in producing competent generations in the field of communications.

In 2014 to 2015, this campus won the Best of The Best Indonesia School of Communications award and the Indonesian Best Communications Award for Three Consecutive Years in 2012 to 2014 based on a Business Digest survey .

Available Faculties at LSPR

At LSPR, you can find various study programs related to Communication and Business. There are 10 majors with 2 faculties that you can choose according to your interests and talents. Here is the explanation:

1. Faculty of Communication Sciences

From the beginning, LSPR was known tickets for the 2016 problogger event available – save $100 …  as a higher education institution in the field of Communication. Since 2002, LSPR has received A accreditation for the Bachelor of Communication Studies Program.

The Communication Studies Program is a program that seeks to produce the best graduates as professional practitioners in the field of communication with specializations in Strategic Communication and Mass and Digital Communication. This program prepares graduates to have special expertise in the performing arts to add value and excellence to their communication skills to meet industry needs.

LSPR students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences will learn how to communicate through performing arts such as theater productions, dance, music, opera and also through circus. Students will work in the creative field, people outside the stage who will be called as players.

The Communication Science Study Program at LSPR is divided into several concentration options, namely:

  • Public Relations
  • Marketing Communication
  • International Relations Communication
  • Mass Media Communication
  • Performing Arts Communication
  • Digital Creative Communication

LSPR also has a Postgraduate Program in Communication Science! The concentration options are:

  • Strategic Public Relations Management
  • Marketing Communication Management
  • International Communication Management
  • Social & Mass Media Management
  • Business & Communication Management

Also read: Reasons to Study at LSPR

2. Faculty of Business

Not only focusing on the field of Communication Science, LSPR also has a Faculty of Business that is ready to produce reliable graduates in the fie aleartnews lds of Management, Tourism, and Service Business. For the Management Study Program, there are choices of concentrations in Entrepreneurship & Leadership, Digital Business Management, and Human Resource Development .

Meanwhile, for Tourism, the choices are Hospitality & MICE and Hotel & Tourism . The Service Business Study Program has one concentration, namely Event Business Management. For those of you who do not want to just be workers and have an entrepreneurial spirit, it is very suitable to enter this faculty. Because, in addition to being able to have adequate knowledge to become a professional worker, you will also be equipped with business knowledge.

Tuition Fees at LSPR

Tuition fees at LSPR are basically divided into several categories, namely basic tuition fees per semester, education quality development fees made in one payment, international exam fees, and fees for professional certification per unit. In addition, tuition fees at LSPR can also be based on each level and class shifts.

As a note, the selection of new class shifts can be done after students who are successfully accepted can make the first payment, in addition the availability of class shifts also depends on the available class capacity. Then, in the list of LSPR fees will also be included GBP which is the pound sterling currency, where the number using GBP is the international exam fee, but the payment is still made in rupiah.

The following are details of tuition fees at LSPR

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Pay for Tuition at LSPR with Danacita

After knowing the tuition fees at LSPR and you feel hindered by the cost, don’t worry. Because, Danacita can make your dream of entering your dream college come true.

The following is a simulation of tuition fees at LSPR with Danacita

Danacita Installment Simulation for New Students of S1
Communication Science Study Program – Morning Class
(Regular Program)

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