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Truly very great: a retweet or simply an

The responsibility of those who have to interact and build a relationship of trust with a brand community is  unfortunate comment on Facebook is enough to unleash potentially viral controversies and ruin the reputation of a certain brand (think for example of what happen a couple of years ago at the vegan restaurant Piovono zucchine ). For this reason, it is necessary to be very careful in managing communication

with a community and the interactions that

Take place within it between the various members. All it takes is one small misstep to expose yourself to the risk of ruining all the good whatsapp data  work you’ve done previously . 3. The importance of empathy: LEGO and LEGO Ideas As LEGO, the well-known Danish toy company found in 1916, knows well, empathy is the key to communicating with your audience . The online community of the “brick company” is call LEGO Ideas, and allows users to submit suggestions or original ideas for the brand’s new products .

It also offers interesting contests and allows

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Users to vote for their products. Each member of the community feels part of a large family, which listens to them and allows them equal time to take part in the creative and production process of the brand. Back to index How do we behave within a community? The construction of social identity Erik Erikson, an important American psychologist and sociologist, highlights the importance of the community dimension in the  strategija za podizanje upravljanja reputacijom u maloprodaji development of human  chine directory identity, asserting that the construction of identity is a process that is both individual and social .

External interaction with our peers has

The same importance in the overall development of the subject as the individual evolution of the same, and is inde a contributory cause. In the community we are able to make sense of ourselves and our actions in the world, and this is precisely through interaction with those around us. For this reason we find human communities in every time and place .

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