The Power of Words

In today’s world where communication is increasing day by day and communication methods are rapidly diversifying, the importance of the words we use is also increasing. Moreover, with the advancement of technology, mankind needs to create new words for itself. Centuries ago, no one used words like ‘internet’ or ‘pixel’. These inventions had not yet been made and therefore the words corresponding to them had not yet been invented. We see that the common dictionary of mankind continues to change and transform over time.

While brand new words are added to it on the one hand, words that are no longer used are slowly being erased from the pages of the dictionary on the other. So, what would it be like to live without words? Would everything be calmer and better, or would life turn into complete chaos? Considering that we need words even when we communicate with each other through body or sign language, it is an undeniable fact that they are among the most important players that make life easier, isn’t it? So, do you think we can give these players the right roles in the right places.

This bag is our subconscious The Power of Words


Every person automatically records everything they see and hear in their subconscious like a state-of-the-art computer in the first seven years of their lives. This is also how children between the ages of 0-7 can easily learn more than one foreign language at the same time. However, there is another side to the coin. For example, a child who is constantly told that they are ‘clumsy’ when they are young will most likely do clumsy things in unexpected places when they grow up. Because it was coded into their subconscious years ago that they were ‘clumsy’ and they grew up believing this without question. Since they are the child’s first role model, mothers and fathers undoubtedly have a big responsibility here.


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WORD SEEDS The good news is that it is not that difficult to get rid of the negative words that have settled in our subconscious and are negatively affecting our lives. If we can replace negative words with positive words with a little effort, we can improve our lives and become our own psychologists in a sense. Take a look at your current life. Do you constantly encounter similar situations that make you unhappy? Do you ever think, “This time it will be different,” but then you get the same result every time and get frustrated? If your answer is “no,” you are lucky. If your answer is “yes,” you are lucky again, because you have found the word you need to get out of your subconscious.

To give a small example



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A person who cannot improve their financial situation and cannot get out of debt no matter how hard they work, most likely had a negative code about money in their childhood. If they grew up in an environment where phrases like “too much money brings unhappiness” or “too much talk is not true, too much money is not true,” were frequently used, their subconscious will constantly tell them to stay away from money. No matter how much money he makes, he will unconsciously find a way not to keep it. So let’s talk about ways to change such codings that affect our lives in an undesirable way and are constantly working in the background.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a valuable scientist whose work I have been following with admiration and curiosity for years, is considering two options on this subject. The first is the ‘hypnosis’ method that we can do by getting help from an expert, and the second is the ‘repetition’ method that we can do on our own. The repetition method, which has become quite popular in recent years and is often referred to as ‘affirmation’, is a very effective way to cleanse the subconscious. In order to erase the negative belief that has settled in the subconscious, the person determines a positive word or a sentence that usually does not exceed five words to code instead.

They repeat this constantly The Power of Words


From within or outside, and in a sense, they plant new seeds in the subconscious. There are also people who record their affirmations on their phones and listen to this recording every night while they sleep. Because the more these words are repeated by saying, listening to or writing, the more the seeds are watered. Thus, the negative belief deep down begins to rot and new ones begin to grow in its place.

That’s why when we hear words like ‘war’ or ‘savagery’ we feel bad and our energy drops. However, when we talk about trees, flowers, babies’ laughter, we feel happy. Talking about things you love always makes you feel good. word we use, hear, or read continues to affect and shape our lives at every moment. A person who answers the question.

The ripple effect of words is


Stronger than most of us realize. Whether we realize it or not; words shape our feelings, feelings shape our perspective on the world, and the 6 secure file transfer methods you can use today quality of this perspective shapes our lives. That’s why we all continue to live on the same planet but in different worlds. LIKE IT OR NOT? ‘Making a wish’ always brings to mind beautiful and positive concepts. However, the sentences of wish that we make for ourselves or someone else with good intentions can often consist of negative words. For example, wishing someone who has just bought a car ‘drive it without accidents and trouble’ brings to mind negative situations, no matter how positive the original intention is.

Because the words ‘accident’ and ‘trouble’ that upset people are right in the middle of the sentence like a bomb ready to explode. Saying ‘May God not separate us’ to a newly married couple or ‘May God not make us regret it’ to someone who has just started a new job creates similar effects.

TV or what we read on social The Power of Words


Media constantly have positive or negative effects on us. The power of words continues to appear everywhere from childhood to adulthood, from politics to sports, from business to private life. So, can we adapt this power to our lives in a beneficial way? Which words do we use the most? Which ones do we never use.

Step 3: In the next window, specify the source and target languages ​​of your project. Since the same source text can be translated into different target languages, you can select different target languages ​​here. Also, if you are going to import an external TM into your project, make sure that you enter the correct source-target language pair here. Otherwise, there will be an incompatibility between your project and the TM and you may not get the correct results during translation. Step 4: Then add the files to be translated to your project. Moreover, you can add not only the translated texts but also any reference documents that the translator or proofreader may refer to during the work or any other files that you think will be relevant.

You can also merge multiple files in this step


add files in folders and create new folders. Step 5: In this step, add the resources that will be used in the project. Here you can create your translation memory or add a previously created translation memory to the project. You can also enter three ew leads types of translation sources: Translation Memories (TM), AutoSuggest dictionaries, and automatic translation/machine translation servers (MT). Step 6: You can add Termbase (Terminology file). The Termbase files you will use in this step will ensure consistency in translations and terminology in your project. Step 7: You can use PerfectMatch to automatically translate project files that are related to other previously translated files. Also, at this stage, you may be confused by a question like.

If you are creating a package for a single translator, you do not need this option. Under this option, click “Create” if you want to create a new TM or “Use” if you want to use an existing TM. Difference Between File-based TM and Server-based TM What is File-Based TM? File-based TMs allow you to add existing TMs that are locally available on your computer to your projects or to create TMs from scratch.

You can add TMs before and


During translation by selecting this option. What is Server-Based TM? In server-based TMs, you can work on your project by connecting to the TM via the internet using a connection provided to you. Difference Between Main Translation Memory and Project Translation Memory Main translation memory; TMs added to a project. Project translation memory ; contains translations from the main translation memories you have selected for a project.

Language pairs, each of these is included in the project translation memory section. Project translation memories are located in the location shown in red in the image below. As you can see, although it is located in a different location than the main translation memory, this memory is saved under the title “TM” in the folder where the project is saved on your computer, together with the main translation memory. Although CAT Tools may seem detailed at first, as you use them, you realize how functional these programs are and how much easier they make your job. In addition, these are programs that are not difficult to use at all; because everything becomes easier as you know it.

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