contact name: Stephan Dors
contact job function details: customer support
contact job function: support
contact job title: Head of Customer Support
contact job seniority: head
contact person city: Köln
contact person state: Nordrhein-Westfalen
contact person country: Germany
contact person zip code: 50678
business name:
business domain: MAN Diesel & Turbo
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year:
business city:
business zip code: Augsburg
business state: 86153
business country: Bayern
business language: 3341
business employee: Germany
dave morgan owner chief executive officer
business category: English
business specialty: mechanical or industrial engineering
business technology: development, design, engineering & manufacturing of large two & four stroke diesel engined, mechanical or industrial engineering
business description: mobile_friendly,google_tag_manager,youtube,google_font_api,multilingual,google_adsense,google_async,google_analytics