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Samsung Ads launches Sponsored Row, its new discovery solution for content provider partners

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Samsung Ads has launch a new discovery solution for content provider partners looking to drive more audiences to their featur content on Samsung TVs, call Sponsor Row , as report in a press release today, Tuesday, October 3, 2023 in a statement sent to the mia.

Sitting alongside organic, personaliz recommendations from viewers and recently watch shows. The new Sponsor Row solution highlights advertisers’ premium content “and offers another avenue to discover new. TV content that might otherwise be miss during today’s rapid pace of releases.”

This launch follows Samsung

Ads’ recent Is TV Just TV ? report , which in July 2023 “reveal that 65% of viewers feel. Frustrat after just a few minutes of searching to find engaging content to watch. And according to data releas in August this year by Nielsen, 1 in 5. A otential viewers decide not to watch TV at all when they can’t find. Anything they want to watch.”

With new content constantly being releas, “Samsung is working to improve the. Discovery buy telemarketing lead tools on its devices to provide users with better experiences and help its content provider partners stand out from. The overwhelming crowd of options and win the constant battle for viewers’ attention.”

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Advantages of Samsung Ads Sponsor Row

Sponsor placements take the user directly from the home screen to. The what is a vpn and how can it help you? select content within the corresponding channel or application, and are plac alongside personaliz organic recommendations, as not in the press release.

He says that “this solution offers a unique opportunity for content partners to reach users. Right after they turn on their TV, without having to navigate excessively or search, helping them break out of prictable cycles and enjoy more of what their Samsung Smart TV has to offer.”

The press release also notes that with Sponsor Row.. Advertisers will have aero leads access to information about how users have interact with their ads, and can leverage the data to improve future campaigns.”

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