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How to Get to Hakodate
Once you arrive at Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto station, to get to Hakodate, the connection is easy thanks to the Hakodate Liner . Once you arrive in Hakodate, it’s easy to get around the city using the bus or tram service.

How to get to Sapporo
It’s very easy to get to Sapporo ! Once you arrive at Shin Hakodate station, you need to take the Ltd Express Super Hokuto or Express Hokuto (3h30). Adding the shinkansen line from Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto to Sapporo Station is scheduled to open in 2030.

From Sapporo the connection is direct to New-Chitose International

Airport by taking a Rapid Airport Express via the Whatsapp Mobile Number List JR Chitose Line, which is also included in the JR Pass.

Super Hokuto Trains
The Hokuto and Super Hokuto are Limited Express trains between Sapporo and Hakodate in Hokkaido, run by the Hokkaido Railway Company (JR Hokkaido). The travel time of the Super Hokuto is approximately 3 hours 40 minutes, 10 minutes faster than that of the Hokuto .

Super Hokuto train services began on March 1, 1994, and reduced travel time by approximately 30 minutes due to high speeds, including on the line’s many curves between Sapporo and Hakodate.

Gran Class Wagons
Hayabusa trains have Grand Class carriages : first class travel that exceeds the conditions and comforts of Green Class carriages.

The Gran Class involves the use of a special carriage with a spacious living room, as well as the constant attention of your host or hostess.

The trains generally have a Gran Class carriage along with standard and Green Class carriages

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The price of the train ticket itself is covered by the Japan DEB Directory Rail Pass, but holders must pay an additional charge if they wish to travel in the Grand Class carriages , i.e. the difference to the standard or Green Class ticket (depending on your pass). ). These surcharges are slight if it is a Hayabusa trip or a Hayate trip from Shin-Aomori to Tokyo.

Interior of the Gran Class wagon
Interior of the Gran Class wagon of the Shinkansen E5
Future plans for the Hokkaido Shinkansen
The Hokkaido Shinkansen helped link Tokyo and Hakodate. Before, it took 5 hours and 30 minutes to travel from Tokyo to Hakodate, but on the Hokkaid.

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