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Provides multiple versions of your

DALL-E 2 by OpenAI Pros: Quick responses, the user owns the copyright, simple and accurate results, and higher resolution options than the original DALL-E. Can also edit the results in the application itself. Cons: Not yet very proficient with compositionality. Fails at times with simple prompts. Possible legal issues may arise due to potential infringement of intellectual property laws. Price: 115 Credits for $15.00 Midjourney AI Midjourney AI, an image-generating AI you can use on Discord. Pros: High-quality results. Easily understands provided style and references.  prompt, with the option to refine the selected version to perfection with additional prompts. Cons: Available only through a discord chatbot.

The free trial usually encounters errors

Every image generated is displayed in public chat. Lacks in customer service and privacy. Price: $8.00-$48.00 per month Dream Studio Dream Studio, an image-generating AI Pros: High-quality results. The user interface is easy to navigate. Lets users customize the prompt result in various ways. Free credits with no interruptions. Can purchase credits on an as-need basis, instead of subscribing to a plan. Cons: Needs very lengthy and descriptive prompts to generate the right image. At the time of writing, it only uses a beta site. Price: $10 for 1000 credits Key Takeaway AI plays a crucial role in optimizing images for SEO.

From image selection to file optimization

alt text and metadata automation, image accessibility, and responsiveness. We SEO Specialists cannot deny that incorporating AI in our image optimization strategy can help us effortlessly improve our website’s appeal, usability, and even our search visibility. So, don’t overlook the potential of AI in optimizing your images. Embrace these powerful tools, craft compelling visuals, and watch as your website rises in the ranks of search engine results. One thing is crystal clear–for your business to profit, it’s not enough to merely have an online presence; you need to make that presence work for you. That’s why SEO and CRO need to go hand-in-hand. By combining these two strategies, you can make your website all that more visible and engaging for your online audience.

Our Best Kept SEO Secrets! SEO School

Growth Hacks Get the Top 10 Inbound Marketing News Every Month Name: Email: Submit Form SEO Tools Cognitive A Guide to Seizing Featured Snippet Opportunities How to Identify Featured Snippet Opportunities Table of Contents Show Getting a featured snippet is basically hitting the SEO goldmine, resulting in increased clicks, traffic, and potentially, increased business. The good news here is you don’t have to work that hard to get more featured snippets of your website. Interested? You should be. Backed by the years I put into writing and SEO, I’ve put together a guide to help you identify featured snippet opportunities. How Do I Find Featured Snippet Opportunities? Quick Answer: Use tools to look into where your website currently stands with regards to featured snippets.

Use manual search and the same tools to

find keywords with featured snippets  bulgaria phone number library   you can aim for, as well as other related keywords you can leverage. From there, find quick-win opportunities based on your website’s authority, the content you can optimize, and the structured data you can apply. After making these changes, keep track of what techniques worked for your website, and what didn’t. What are Featured Snippets? This is a type of search engine results page (SERP) feature that answers your questions using a snippet that crawl bots have pulled directly from an article or web page. Often, it’s a summary of the information that Google thinks users are looking for. Here’s an example from an older article of mine on link optimization: featured snippet on an article about how to get people to click on your link.

Google has been rolling out featured snippets

for an ever-widening variety of search queries for a while now. That’s because they’re great for serving quick answers to users. Why do Featured Snippets Matter in SEO? Featured snippets are great for your SEO because they rank #0 on the organic search results. It sits on top of the #1 organic search result. It’s also formatted in a way that makes it much more helpful and accessible to users, compared to organic search results. Let’s look at the featured snippet for the query “What is a featured snippet,” versus the first organic result on the same page. The featured snippet on the Google search for “What is a featured snippet” And here’s how short a traditional organic result looks like: The first organic search result for the Google search for “What is a featured snippet” That’s it.

If I were the user searching this, I definitely

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gained a more substantial  killer for the weekend ” and in 2023 “ legacy answer from the first, rather than the second. And, if I was a curious user, I would be more likely to click on the article that feels more helpful to me—which featured snippets are formatted to be like. In short, having your content appear in a featured snippet is important for SEO because it can lead to way more clicks to your website. That means it’s good for your click-through rate and growing your organic traffic. Types of Featured Snippets: The most common type of featured snippet is the one I just showed you above, but Google can provide different formats in different spaces.

As of the time of writing, there are five general

types of featured snippets: Paragraph  hit post  List Table Video Accordion Of these, we know that paragraph- and list-type featured snippets are the most common. Lists can come in numerical format, or in bullet format. You often see these two types when asking for definitions, instructions, and of course, lists of products. Recently, I’ve also noticed that Google is pushing for more table and video-formatted featured snippets. Tables are common if your search has to do something with product specifications, such as price. Videos, on the other hand, show up if you’re looking for  provides the most appropriate answer.

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