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Promotional SMS: Plan a successful campaign

Companies often wonder how they can attract new customers to their store, to their website, new students for the courses offered or in general new users who use their services. In fact, the solution is not simple. We often think of classic advertising, on television, in newspapers, or on the radio. These channels, always valid, however, have concrete limits. In this post we explain why you should focus on a promotional SMS campaign , how to create one and some concrete examples.

Why a promotional SMS campaign

The Limitations of Classic Advertising Campaigns

The first limitation is the impossibility bulk sms master of choosing who will see your ad . This means that it is not certain that the right people will see, hear or read our ad. The second limitation is the measurement of results . It is not easy to demonstrate that your investment will bring the desired results.

The benefits of SMS advertising campaigns

Without wasting time, let’s make a short list of the main advantages that advertising SMS offer us :

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  1. Detailed definition of your target : this ensures that only interested people receive our promotional message
  2. Real savings : precisely because the mailing will be made only to your target, the expense will be more contained
  3. Message personalization : it is possible to personalize each single message, thanks to the segmentation of your target into groups
  4. Measuring results : thanks to the Skebby statistics section and the use of SMS Link Analytics, it is possible to measure the performance of your promotional SMS campaign

What to do before sending a promotional campaign

1. Choose who to send it to

This is a very important step, because depending on who the recipient of our campaign is, the text of the message will change .

Let’s take a few examples. I have a shop exploring telegram bots for automated messaging selling clothing, accessories and toys for early childhood that recently opened in the city centre. I want to make myself known and on the occasion of the official inauguration I decide to offer a gadget to the first 10 customers. My ideal target will be mothers and fathers, who live in the city where I am, aged between 20 and 45, with a child between 0 and 3 years old.

Another example could be a vocational training school. Depending on the course I want to promote, I choose whether to focus on men or women or both, aged between 18-35, who live in a certain region.

2. Prepare the message

Once the recipients have been identified, the SMS message is prepared. This step deserves special attention, because canada emai lead those few words will determine the success of our promotional SMS campaign .

Let’s think about what type of promotional SMS we want to send : a discount code, an invitation to Promotional SMS an event, an ad hoc promotion, the launch of a new product, service or course.

Once we have determined the type of message, we try to personalize it as much as possible to make it direct, clear and that speaks to the recipient .

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