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All the prefixes of Spain by province

If you look closely at the telephone prefixes in Spain , you’ll probably already  c level contact list know that the digits in your phone number provide additional information about the origin of your call. Each country and geographic area corresponds to a different numeric code. For example, when we call abroad, the prefix we receive is +34, indicating that the call is coming from Spain.
In turn, we know that in Spain, mobile phone numbers usually begin with 6 and, rarely, with 7. If we look at landlines, these phone numbers have traditionally always begun with 9, but recently, 15 autonomous communities have introduced the prefix 8 due to the limited number pool, and currently,

What does the 34 mean in front of a mobile number?

The 34 before a mobile number indicates the country from which the call is a guide to creating the perfect onboarding process being received. In this case, the 34 corresponds to Spain. Otherwise, if the digits before the mobile number do not correspond to +34, we know that the call is international. In this case, we advise you to pay attention when answering, as international calls often incur additional charges.

On the other hand, if you want to call a phone number that belongs to another country, you should look for the corresponding area code that will allow you to connect to your desired destination.

How do Spanish phone numbers begin?

As we mentioned before, landline numbers in Spain begin with 9 or 8, and  canada email lead 
mobile numbers with 6 or 7. We also present an alphabetical list of all the existing prefixes in the country, corresponding to the provinces of each autonomous community.

How do Spanish phone numbers begin?
As we mentioned before, landline numbers in Spain begin with 9 or 8, and mobile numbers with 6 or 7. We also present an alphabetical list of all the existing prefixes in the country, corresponding to the provinces of each autonomous community.

Our advice regarding these international and national prefixes is that, when creating your contact numbers,Select the area code of the place where you want to open a marketor the region you want to support. This way, if the customer or prospect sees a familiar area code on the phone, the chances of them answering the call increase.

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