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Outsourcing of IT services: Madagascar in the African top 4

Madagascar is among the top 4 most attractive African destinations for outsourcing and subcontracting services. This success is explained by the boom in Malagasy BPO agencies, the quality of services offered by local providers, the qualification of the population as well as a high web connection speed.

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NTIC (new information and communication technologies) have helped to place Madagascar among the most interesting phone number library destinations for outsourcing business processes . The Big Island is not far from supplanting the classic French-speaking outsourcing destinations such as Senegal , Mauritius or the Maghreb countries .


phone number library

French-speaking offshore destination: Madagascar in 4th position!

82% of French companies  already use outsourcing. The sectors most affected are IT and engineering  (90%). In second place, we find  construction (79%), followed by insurance ( 78%). This top 4 is rounded off by the trade  sector   with a percentage of 58%.

With a market share of 37% ,  Morocco  occupies the first place among the preferred destinations for French companies for outsourcing. Tunisia is in second place with 23% . The top 4 is closed respectively by Mauritius (18%) and Madagascar (10%) . Algeria is  in last place with 4% .

The criteria most taken into basics of content planning for blogs and social media account by companies concern, in order of priority: geographical proximity, price and quality of the internet connection .


The functions most outsourced by French-speaking companies

The services most outsourced by companies concern:

  • Telecommunications/information systems (49%)
  • Industrial maintenance/production (36%)
  • Human resources (30%)
  • FM (Facility management) (25%)
  • Marketing/after-sales services (17%)
  • Accounting/management (15%)
  • Purchases (11%)

Why do companies outsource services?

French companies generally outsource for 6 reasons:

  • Cost reduction (40%)
  • Focus on the core business (15%)
  • Gain in flexibility (15%)
  • Search for expertise (14%)
  • Business innovation (8%)
  • Added value in terms of quality of service (8%)

For more information, don’t miss aleart news our infographic on the key figures of offshore outsourcing .

Madagascar: THE destination to favor for outsourcing an IT service

For more than ten years, Madagascar has been the Eldorado for companies that want to outsource administrative tasks : document scanning , accounting , content c

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