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Meta launches Facebook and Messenger Diffusion Channels in Spain

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Meta has announc the launch of Broadcast Channels on Facebook and Messenger in Spain , after announcing their implementation last month through a news item on the company’s official blog.

According to Meta’s communication today, Wnesday, November 15, 2023, Broadcast Channels are the public and unidirectional tool to reach all the people who follow a Page on Facebook . In this way, it is add to a series of resources that the administrators of these Pages, such as content creators and public figures, have at their disposal to reach and interact with their community.

These tools, therefore

A “give the opportunity to people who follow a Page to feel more connect to it and to delve deeper into topics that may interest them.” Within the Channels, Page administrators “will be able to upload surveys to get instant feback from their members, send photos, videos or voice notes so that they can express themselves freely.”

Marc Zuckerberg’s company plans to roll out this new feature to all pages and people who use the platform in the coming weeks. It says that “anyone who uses Facebook will be able to join these Broadcast Channels and keep up to date with what’s happening on their favorite Pages.”

Finally, it advances that “in those markets where this function is not available. The specific database by industry pages can be add to the waiting list so that they are notifi once it is available in their country.” After this news, we recommend this one from November 10. Meta presents new AI-bas functions and advertising tools to generate leads and CRM associations.

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specific database by industry

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