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Incorporation at the federal or provincial level

Administrative complexity Companies must comply with a large number of legal requirements, such as holding annual meetings and producing detailed financial statements, that sole proprietorships are not subject to. This administrative burden can be onerous and burdensome for small businesses.

You can incorporate a business at the federal or provincial level.


Incorporating provincially is less expensive and middle east mobile number list faster. There is less paperwork to complete and the incorporation fees are lower than at the federal level. This option is particularly suitable if you only plan to do business in the province or territory where your company is incorporated.


Incorporating a business at the federal level also has significant advantages:

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Your brand benefits from increased international recognition;


you benefit from greater flexibility: for example, your annual meeting can be held virtually anywhere in the world.


Don’t hesitate to consult an accountant or legal expert to help you choose the best option for your company. If you choose to incorporate your so passen sie ihre keyword-recherche-strategie an das business federally, you will also need to register your federal corporation in each province and territory where you operate.


More information is available on the Canadian or Quebec government website .


How to incorporate your business at the federal level?

Once you have come up with a profitable business idea and developed a solid business plan , it is time to incorporate your business.


Step 1: Choose your company name

Your company name (or business name) must be unique and not likely to be confused with other existing businesses. If you want to use the name you have given to your online store or website, you must first check that it is available.


You can use your own name, but make sure buy lead that your company name is distinctive. To do this, you can add a descriptor, which is a word that describes your business activity. For example: “Marcel Dupont Grocery Store”.


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