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How to Increase Blog Traffic with Email Marketing

If you think that email marketing is only suitable for shops and service providers, then you are very wrong – email marketing is also completely suitable for bloggers, with its help you can achieve great results with low investments . But you have to do it the right way.

For all those who want to become real bulk mail masters stars in the blogosphere, we have prepared a guide with everything there is to know about email marketing.

Let’s start with the reasons why you should start using email marketing

The main reason is obvious: to increase the number of readers and awaken in them the desire to return to your blog again. But there are other advantages that perhaps you have not thought of…


1. You will be able to strengthen the bonds with your audience

This is something you already do on your blog, but any other channel that allows you to communicate with your readers can only be an advantage. Email is different from blogging, for many users it is also more personal, so you can use it to establish a more confidential relationship , to make the bond stronger and to build more authentic relationships.

2. You will make your content reach more people

The more time passes, the less we have available – on the web, on the other hand, there is always more content. Maybe this is how we will grow our agency to 10k a month people find your blog interesting, but they simply don’t have time to visit it, or if they do, they can’t read all the content you’ve published since the last time they visited, but it may also happen that they have forgotten about your existence .

Email marketing can help you overcome these obstacles. You can let your readers know about your new blog post and invite them to read it , and they can forward topics they find interesting to their friends – and you can gain some new followers in the process.

3. You will save time and money

How? Email marketing is considered the form of marketing that generates the highest returns in relation to the invested capital , and to start with it you only need a small investment. In fact, this form of marketing is almost free, so it is also a great idea for bloggers who do by lists not yet have a marketing budget available.

Email marketing also saves you time, with just one message you can reach thousands of people – meaning you will have more time to create quality content for your blog.

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