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How to Find Unique Telegram Stickers


But there are many more channels that are used for different purposes. For example, singers like Ana Guerra from Operación Triunfo, writers or poets like Elvira Sastre, politicians like Pablo Iglesias, entire departments like the Ministry of Health, channels with weekly marketing news like Domingrowth, or media outlets like Marketing4Ecommerce have already started using Telegram 😉 Another very interesting example is that of the company Ontruck, who validated their business model with a Telegram channel in which they assigned loads to transporters.


 Once they saw that it worked

well, they created a mobile application that allowed them to telegram blast gather all the information about the loads and update their position in real time. 3. We want to find groups or channels where we can advertise our products or services Telegram has become another platform for advertising a product or service. It currently does not have its own advertising platform, but it does have influential users with groups or channels with thousands of followers.


 To find a group in our sector

you can search for specific keywords. If, for example, you want 5 best marketing channels for lead generation to find a marketing group, you can type the word “marketing” in the search engine and the existing groups will appear. Once you have found the group or channel, you select the group header (where the title is) and at the bottom, where it says “members”, you can find out who the group administrators are in order to contact them and see the different advertising possibilities that can be made.


 Normally, group or channel owners

offer several types of advertising: Pinned messages: A brand’s advertising bw lists can be placed in a pinned message, which is fixed for a time at the top of the group and is visible to all its users. In addition, all those who have notifications activated in Telegram will receive one with this message, as if it were an application. Mentions: Group administrators also sell advertising as if they were influencers. These types of mentions can be text, videos, surveys, webinars, links to other channels, live broadcasts, voice notes, raffles, etc.

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