Home » How to Create a Share Button on a Website (3 Easy Steps)

How to Create a Share Button on a Website (3 Easy Steps)

Share buttons can be a great strategy to increase website traffic. By creating share buttons on your website, visitors can share your website content on social media.

This will help introduce your website more widely, allowing you to increase your traffic and reach a wider audience. Especially for online stores, exposure plays a major role in revenue figures and brand recognition.

This time, we will share how to create a share button on

A website in 3 easy steps. We will use a plugin, because this method is the simplest. Let’s start the tutorial!

How to Create a Share Button on a Website (3 Easy Steps)
In addition to being easy, we chose to use a plugin because it is also a safe option for adding share buttons to a WordPress website. Plugins also provide other customization solutions, which can optimize the appearance and function of the share buttons.

Here are the steps using the popular WordPress plugin, Social Warfare :

1. Install and Activate the Share Plugin
If you don’t have this plugin, start the steps by installing it first. Open the WordPress dashboard and find Plugins -> Add New Plugin in the left sidebar.

Search for Social Warfare in the WordPress plugin directory, then install the plugin by clicking Install Now . Once installed, activate the plugin by clicking Activate .

enable social warfare plugin to add share buttons
Go back to your WordPress dashboard and find Social Warfare in the left sidebar. Here, you can configure the plugin, such as customizing the preferred button style, its placement, and the social media platforms you want to include.

We will explain it in the next step.

2. Customize Button Style
Social Warfare allows you to change the appearance of the share buttons. You can choose from a variety of styles, shapes, and sizes to better suit your website design.

You can also customize which social media buttons to include by sliding the options in the Active and Inactive sections .

determines which buttons to include
Additionally, set whether you want to include a share count on the buttons included in your posts. This number can be a form of social proof, showing how many times your post has been shared.

For placement, you can set whether the button will be placed on the homepage, on archive and category pages, in posts, or on every page.

Also set the button placement, for example at the top of the post, at the bottom of the post, or both. Then you can set the floating button so that the button continues to follow the reader’s scroll direction.

For the best appearance and user experience, we recommend that you only place them on post pages that typically include blog articles.

3. Preview and Test the Share Button

After configuring the plugin settings and customizing europe cell phone number list its appearance, preview the share buttons on your website to test whether everything is working as it should.

In our example, this is what the share buttons configured using the Social Warfare plugin look like.

final view of share button
Considerations When Creating Share Buttons on a Website
Although it has many benefits especially for increasing your online presence, there are still some considerations you should pay attention to when adding share buttons to your website.

Let’s take a look at some of the risks that may arise when adding share buttons using plugins on your WordPress website.

Security issues. While plugins from the official directory are generally safe, always make sure to update them regularly. Developers often release updates to address security issues

so regular updates will ensure your website stays protected.

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Slower performance. Popular plugins are generally designed to be as efficient as possible, but it’s still a good idea to monitor their impact on your website’s performance. Some plugins that are complex or have a lot of features may affect loading times. Regularly check your website’s performance and optimize if necessary.
User experience considerations Configure Πώς να αναπτύξετε την ηγεσία της σκέψης του Συλλόγου σας the plugin settings carefully to ensure your share buttons fit the website design and do not interfere with the user experience.
External platform dependency. Share buttons essentially use the APIs of external platforms. While plugins can make this integration easier, changes to the APIs of those social platforms may affect the functionality of the buttons.
Privacy risks. Plugins from the official directory adhere to WordPress standards, including privacy guidelines. However, you should always review the plugin’s terms of user data

collection and make sure they are clear about privacy.

Adding share buttons to your website is a powerful znb directory strategy to increase engagement and expand your online reach. To add them to your WordPress website, you can easily do so using a plugin, such as Social Warfare.

However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved. By carefully considering privacy, performance, and user experience, you can implement share buttons effectively without compromising your website and data.

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