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How is user experience measured?

you have already seen that the goal of the giant is to offer the best experience to its users.

And if you have followed the doctrines that have been laid out for us in terms of positioning, content, links and so on, why don’t you go ahead and follow them in terms of ux as well?

Or do we need to start imposing penalties again?

2 for your ecommerce

offering a good user experience to your visitors will make you sell more, i can assure you.

A happy customer is a willing customer, open to our promotions, messages, persuasive interactions, etc.

Therefore, if you work correctly on the user b2b phone list experience of your website, your conversion rate will skyrocket.

#3 for your users
you have the opportunity to make your users happy and a good business should always look out for them.

Is yours?

If you have decided to start with

ux or you have already tried your hand at this discipline but now you want to give it your best shot, the first thing you should know is that, in this taiwan phone number library field (as in most), measuring is mandatory.

Before embarking on a project, during its optimization, and at the end of the entire process, you need to measure.

That said, the first thing of all is to know what we have to measure.

In ux, what we are going to measure is the quality of an experience, whether it has been good, bad, excellent, average…

this is very complicated, since it is something totally subjective.

When it comes to extracting results, not only does the degree of pleasure that the user experiences when interacting with a page come into play, but conduct interviews also their initial expectations about it or its usefulness… And all of this depends on the subject’s own contextual characteristics: personality, social class, age, sex, cultural level, device, etc.

Still, there are various tools that are being used to collect data about qoe (quality of experience).

Here is a very interesting classification brought to us by isabelle hupont.

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