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He interfaces with for longer than the contact

 Today, a marketer can prepare a content or social media marketing strategy based on rules contained in algorithms. A marketer no longer relies on the tastes and interests of customers , but produces content using SEO techniques (which “trick” the search engine algorithm), or posts on social networks while always keeping an eye on Facebook updates. In essence, the marketer has simply changed position in the consumer journey : in most cases, he no longer comes into direct contact with the customer, but instead makes sure to reach him through the devices  he has with human beings on a daily basis.


 The impact that the internet has had on

our lives and the rapid advances in artificial intelligence have meant that our purchasing behavior (or choice of content to pay attention to) is no longer based on what a person tells us, but on what information is conveyed to us online through a screen. 2020 is the year that will see an increasingly strong impact of artificial  whatsapp data intelligence and will only take away the jobs of marketers (and salespeople) who do not understand the potential of applying the technology in their sector of reference (for further insights, consult the study conducted by McKinsey ) .


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Scenarios of Artificial Intelligence Given that artificial intelligence is a fairly immature technology that still requires a lot of human testing and  bbb org that in five years we could witness currently unimaginable developments, it is possible to analyze three types of scenarios that will affect the marketing sector in the near future . 1. Artificially intelligent future

Today, artificial intelligence is already in

Our lives in a significant way and we don’t even realize it , or rather, we don’t pay attention to how disruptive the possibility of receiving news  strategija za podizanje upravljanja reputacijom u maloprodaji in the morning personalized to our interests, receiving email alerts about the increase or decrease in the price of a plane ticket, or simply the possibility of receiving suggestions for products related to those we are currently viewing is.

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