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Guerilla Marketing In warfare

Guerilla refers to battles in which a small force overwhelmingly defeats a larger force through creative tactics. Similarly, Guerilla Marketing is a marketing strategy that helps startups reach customers without requiring a large budget.

All a startup needs is a unique idea

Guerilla Marketing usually includes main forms such as: 1. Street art and graffiti: Using street art and graffiti to promote marketing messages and attract attention from passersby. For example, Nike has collaborated with many street artists around the world to create murals.

This idea was so effective that

Nike has continuously used it in later campaigns such as Nike Air Force 1 Mural Project, “Unlimited Future”, “Write the Future” World Cup. Nike Air Force 1 Mural Project. 2. Flashmob: A group of people performing an action such as dancing, clapping, singing, etc. in unison to attract attention and curiosity from viewers. Coca-Cola has used flash mobs in its advertising campaigns. They have organized Flashmobs at major sporting events such as the World Cup and Olympics , where hundreds of people wearing Coca-Cola shirts perform the brand’s iconic dances.

Such events help create a vibrant

atmosphere and connect with customers. Coca-Cola Flash Mob Performance. 3. Viral marketing: Create viral content or videos on social networks to increase brand awareness. Brands can refer to the Ice Bucket Challenge – a perfect case study of viral marketing launched in 2014. The purpose of the Ice Bucket Challenge is to raise awareness of ALS – a disease that paralyzes human motor neurons. When players pour ice water on themselves, they accurate mobile phone number lead will feel the feeling of an ALS patient for a few seconds.

All the money raised by the Ice Bucket

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Challenge will be donated to ALS patients and organizations researching this disease. As a result, the Ice Bucket Challenge raised $115 million in just Qué es el microcopy y por qué a tus clientes les gusta tanto the first 6 weeks. From a marketing idea, the Ice Bucket Challenge has become a global phenomenon and still attracts challengers nearly 9 years later. The Ice Bucket Challenge raised $115 million in just its first 6 weeks. Reference source: Advertisingvietnam Deploying Inbound Marketing activities helps businesses attract, understand, satisfy and retain customers sustainably.

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