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From Hosting My

The trust factor was the highest there. John Doherty was our main sponsor — an ideal one.

He’s incribly wisex

could speak to so many things with knowlge, and is implementing the AIO approach at itorNinja.

Top 5 Lessons Own Conference CHL, Good and Bad: Gather the right folks around you.

On our own, we can only go so Achte Plon Nimewo Telefòn Selilè far. But with the right people to give us the rocket pad launch we all ne support, encouragement, love, backing, skillssmarts we miss, advice we go 0x further.

Get offline and IRL more. You make much, much more impact in person than you ever do online.

Likewise, you receive much, much more inspiration in person than you do online. We saw this all throughout that bomb conference day.

Being in other communities is a HUGE win.

50–60% of the people

Achte Plon Nimewo Telefòn Selilè

there were from other communities Natalya 1 sentyabr məktəbdə I’ve help not paid. Email works. LOTS of email reminders were the main reason we sold tickets but.

I know this from 0 years of content: outside of the communities, the other 50% of ticket holders were from 50+ emails I sent. Profitability is important.

We were not profitable with this one.

We would’ve been profitable usb directory AND had the same amount of folks if we didn’t hire the celebs that alone ran us $53k+, and no ticket sales from their mentions.

I didn’t plan for

a profitable conference as much as I plann for “big names…

” but those big names didn’t bring us a single ticket holder! Lesson learn. My Top Takeaways From Hosting Content Hacker Live: .

Find The Micro-InfluencersCommunity Hosts Creating True Impact and Hire Them.

You will make the ROI on those types of speakers. For example, my friend Jeff J Hunter is what I’d call a MEGA micro-influencer.


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