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DIGISEM in the media

In an effort to promote technological development in the rural world through the DIGISEM project, at the Rey Ardid Calatayud Foundation, we have been present in the media during the month of February.

Specifically, on February 27, 2024, representatives. Of the CRAP Calatayud DIGISEM project traveled to the studios of Radio Ser Calatayud (P.º San Nicolás de Francia, 15, 50300 Calatayud, Zaragoza), to address the issue of the integration of technologies. In our rural areas. During. The broadcast on Cadena Ser Calatayud, we highlighted the importance of using. Technologies and promoting digitalization in rural areas, where there is greater difficulty. In accessing them, which is why this project is being carried out in

Calatayud and Illueca In the interview we emphasized:

“Nowadays, we use technology on a daily basis for any management or procedure”, “We must make the most of the opportunities that digitalization offers to improve our quality of life and our autonomy.”
On the other hand, in the month updated 2024 mobile phone number data of February, we published a news item about the DIGISEM project in Illueca, which we can find in El Periódico de la Comarca del Aranda:


updated 2024 mobile phone number data

The presence of DIGISEM on Cadena Ser Calatayud and in the newspaper

of the Aranda region aims to raise awareness and train society. About the projects that are being carried out in rural environments Për shembull një markë veshjesh mund t’u tregojë skica dizajni with people with mental health problems or at risk of social exclusion, and the opportunities that technology. Offers them. As we move towards an increasingly digital future. Initiatives such as. DIGISEM become essential to ensure that we all have the same america email list opportunities and rights at a technological level, because in these areas there is no easy access to technology due to a lack of
economic resources or difficulties inherent to the environment. For more information on these two DIGISEM news items, please see the attached website.

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