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Cookies and advertising on my website

Either voluntarily by giving them to a website to make a purchase or other action, or unintentionally by seeing them us to display advertising content that, bas on our searches, concerns us.

All this becomes reality with the use of so-calls.

These delicious “cookies”, store information that is useful to help you in the way you navigate the respective website, and may be us for the so-call “better service”, either by keeping the settings you had last time for the website, or by displaying advertising material that is close to the objects of your searches.

But because all this seem a little blurry, and implement  to protect our personal data from misuse.

The Law of Cookies

According to international law on personal information, any website that stores personal data must inform visitors when they enter it, and before storing anything.

Thus, we choose whether we data library of telegram want to proce with the navigation of the website, or to leave.

The most widespread way of using cookies today is through Google Analytics and similar services of Google or other search engines.

This information may include (but is not limit to):

data library of telegram

What information is stor in cookies?

The type and version of your browser

  • The dimension of your screen
  • The keyword you us in your search, which brought you to the website in question
  • The device you Šta je Facebook Messenger marketing us to visit the website
  • The time you stay on the website
  • What you click while on each page
  • From which country or city in the world you visit the website
  • If you participat in a poll

Most of the above information can b2c fax help the website owner to upgrade its design in such a way that it better serves the vast majority of visitors.

For example, changing the dimension of the page to better serve the screens of the majority of users, or adding a language to the content of the web pages, serving a certain country of the world, from which it receives high traffic.

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