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Content marketing: 7 deadly sins to avoid!

You have created a website? Congratulations! So you have already successfully passed the first hurdle, but the hardest part still awaits you. You will need to implement an effective content marketing strategy to stand out from your competitors and succeed in your customer conversion.

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So be careful of certain fatal errors to avoid when setting up a content marketing strategy. Here we draw up a list of the 7 Deadly Sins not to commit!

1) Ignore SERP suggestions


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Some content managers think they are better placed than search engines to know the fundamental needs of customers. Therefore, rather than identifying what customers want, they decide on their own what is best for the audience, which is an unforgivable mistake!

Search engine suggestions guide you to relevant information (or specifically key terms) that will allow you to identify Internet users’ expectations. By producing content that provides them with answers, you can easily further personalize your content marketing and develop your services in the right direction.

2) Choosing quantity over quality

There is no point in posting social media posts or blog articles if they are cheap. By doing so, you will most likely drive away your readership .

This is why it is essential to use the services of a content agency to continually guarantee quality to your community. So, if you opt for a strategy based mainly on text content, how about using a professional web editor who is used to producing quality articles?

3) Bet on the buzz

If going viral is your primary goal, chances are your content strategy will fall through at some point .

Of course, viral marketing can be and while link therefore in is busy adding a good thing if you produce content that meets the needs of Internet users. On the other hand, if it is just to be a “  clickbait  ” and the quality is not there, you can kiss your notoriety goodbye!

4) Deal with everything… and nothing

It is not uncommon to see a company specialized in various fields to have a generalist blog that covers several themes. This is a big mistake to avoid! If with such a strategy, you intend to develop an image of an expert , it is a waste of time!

However, if you still want to produce content focused on various themes, the solution remains the creation of several blogs . With this technique, you can easily create many communities around your brand.

5) Flooding the public with useless information

Building a close relationship with bank email list your followers doesn’t mean “bombarding” them with useless information all day long.

It has been proven, for example, that teachers who refer to an overly rich bibliography, the guidelines of their courses, obtain poor results with their students.

In the operation of a content strategy, it is similar: too much information kills information!

To fix this, you just need to set up an editorial calendar and define the publication frequency.

Recommended posting frequency for social media and blogs:

  • Blog posts : 1-2 posts per week
  • Facebook : 2 to 3 posts per week
  • Twitter : 1 time per day
  • Instagram : 4 to 5 posts per week
  • Linkedin : 3 to 4 times a week

6) Relying solely on textual content

Even though text content is undeniably one of the foundations of SEO and a content marketing campaign, the latter will only be optimal if you diversify the content .

Today, most Internet users prefer watching videos than reading an entire article. Therefore, producing multimedia content is a necessary step. And if you don’t have the time to carry out this process, you can always outsource it .

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