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Condenser or dynamic, with USB or XLR connection 

A tripod with LED light

What do you do with it? You never thought of buying it? Well, you might need it more than you think. It is no longer just an object for influencers and fashion bloggers. Whether you have to work on the move – which we hope to do again soon – or within the four walls of your home, it is now essential to be able to create visual content of a minimum high quality.

If you are an Instagram marketer or have whatsapp blasting your own small business, the table tripod allows you to take quality staged photos even using just your smartphone. In fact, most are designed for all sizes. The LED light helps you combat the annoying shadows that are created when shooting at home and not in a professional studio.

whatsapp blasting

Not only photos though, this object is essential for videos . Whether you are recording for YouTube or doing a live social , even a small investment is enough and the result will already be of excellent quality.

It goes without saying that a tripod and light can also be useful in the many video conferences or calls that 2020 has now effectively cleared. We will certainly return to in-person meetings, but we will never completely lose the “vice” of video calls.

Two examples: an economical model , a tripod with higher quality light .

A green screen

Are you saying I’m exaggerating? This is definitely not an essential item for everyone , it obviously depends on your professional needs. The backdrop why your customer feedback is so important is linked to the reasoning made previously for the tripod with LED light. It is an important aid for those who have to shoot videos in series and often work from home : journalistic content, tutorials for blogs, series for IG TV and so on. There are different sizes and they are also made to be easily transported . For the same reason as videos, the green backdrop is also an important ally for those who work with photos.

If this is the first time you’ve heard about it, here’s the simple and effective explanation given by good Aranzulla:

This is a green sheet that acts as a background while you shoot and that can then be easily replaced with the desired background, thanks to the use of the appropriate function in video or photo editing programs.

Blue light glasses

In this case it is not an object to create content. But tg data an important aid to be able to do so without damaging our eyes. We spend more and more time in front of screens (smartphones, tablets, PCs) both. When we work and in our free time and the lockdown has further amplified this situation. And since the blue light emitted by screens ends up damaging our eyesight. It can be a good idea to prevent this with a pair of glasses to block blue light . There are many on the web, at very low prices . A minimal investment in economic terms, but important for our well-being.

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