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Birthday contest for WebPromoExperts Academy graduates

10 years ago, in November 2012, the WebPromoExperts Internet Marketing Academy launched the first internet marketing course.

Over the years, thousands of graduates have gained new knowledge and realized themselves in various areas of Internet marketing.

In honor of the birthday, we decided to announce a new competition on our Instagram for graduates , so that you can tell your story about how your career in Internet marketing began and what role our courses played in it.

Terms of the competition for graduates

The competition will be held in an accelerated format (so you don’t have to spend a lot of time writing a novel). We will start on December 16 during the free WebPromoExperts B-Day online conference . The contest ends on December 18 at 11:59 p.m.

The next day, December 19, we will announce the winners (follow our Instagram page ).

What should be done? Share stories in any format and volume in insta stories, post photos of certificates of completed courses, leave birthday greetings, share a photo that you are present at the WebPromoExperts B-Day online conference and be sure to tag us .

Among the participants who met the requirements, we will raffle cool gifts. Namely:

  • 1st place: study on any online course (except MBA courses);
  • 2nd place: training middle east mobile number list  in any course in the format of video recordings of lectures (except MBA courses);
  • 3rd place: WebPromoExperts branded gift.

And here are the best Success Stories  from our graduates: Iryna Logvin, Daria Homan , Oksana Levchenko , Mykhailo Semeniya , Andrii Malashchenko .

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We invite you to the WebPromoExperts B-Day online conference

This year turned out to be difficult for every Ukrainian, but we support each other, we are eye-oo Piştî Sazkirina Tidio 177K € dahatê zêde dike  together. Therefore, we would like to invite you to our virtual birthday celebration in the form of a conference, where we invited the best friends and lecturers of the Academy to speak, to recall cool cases and motivating stories of development.

Free registration

We have prepared interesting topics for you:

  • The path in content marketing from 0 to an expert
  • How the love of YouTube became a life’s work
  • The way to the leaders of news sites
  • The transformation aero leads of marketing during wartime
  • GSK’s history of digitization
  • The role of digital marketing in the career of a marketing manager.
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