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B2B Marketing Questionnaire Results

The year 2023 and B2B marketing 2023 has already settled in our heads, diaries and company plans, so it’s almost a habit for us to talk about the “new year”. But let us go back a little. At the turn of 2022 and 2023, we invited you to fill out a questionnaire on trends in B2B marketing . Its purpose was clear – to find out what 2022 was like for you in terms of B2B marketing and what you expect from the following year .

And how did it turn out? We collected data from December 1, 2022 to January 16, 2023. A total of 111 respondents participated in the questionnaire. A great number! Are you interested in the results? We summarized them in a clear infographic, but we will highlight the most interesting ones here.

Which marketing channels do you use?

There were no big “aha moments” with this question. Respondents gambling data usa could choose multiple answers – so don’t be surprised that the percentages add up to many times over 100%. The fact that 92% of respondents said they use websites didn’t surprise us – we’re more likely to wonder what the remaining 8% do? Is it worth it to operate without websites in B2B marketing?

The following numbers are also worth mentioning:

  • content marketing – 80.5%
  • paid search advertising – 78%
  • SEO – 78%
  • social media ads and campaigns – 75%
  • email marketing – 69%
  • webinars – 53%
  • … and so on

As we said, nothing surprising at the very top. On the other hand, 53% for webinars is a very interesting result. Is the reason for the popularity of this type of online content that we find ourselves in an early post-COVID era?

Which channel brought you the most leads in 2022?

We were really looking forward to the answers to this question. It would probably be strange if we didn’t ask you in Lead Magnet what your most effective lead magnet is , right? And thomas-Kilman model what about you and your answers? 25% of respondents said that direct communication was the biggest lead catcher . We ourselves attended the Czech Online Expo at the end of February , so we understand and direct communication definitely gets the thumbs up from us. Otherwise, as a marketing agency that is like a fish in water in the online world, we can’t let online tools go unnoticed . They are obviously no strangers to you either. How did it go?

  • paid search advertising – 16.5%
  • emailing – 13.5%
  • content marketing – 11%
  • SEO – 11%

What form of content generates the most leads for you?

… and when it came to content, we had to ask: What form of content generates the most leads for you? Content can be tricky. It can be both king and Achilles’ heel. If you have nothing to say (or don’t know how to find it), it can break your neck. On the other hand, if you know what you want to say, it’s okay to wrap it in a nice package with a bow. Although classic blog articles (28%) and newsletters (22%) are the most popular among our respondents, modern forms are also worth mentioning, for which we suspect a bright future. For example, podcasts. This year they earned “only” 3% from you. But who knows where they will be in a year.

Which social network are you most successful at generating leads on?

B2B Marketing At Lead Magnet, we are clear about this – B2B marketing also belongs on social networks . Our favorite is Linkedin, but we do not allow Facebook and other school email list networks to be used either. We always tailor our marketing strategy to our clients – because you know that. Not everyone sells their professional services on TikTok. But how are you (or rather our respondents) doing with social networks? Linkedin took the “gold” with 28%, Facebook earned the “silver” (22%)… and what about third place? Would you expect Instagram? TikTok? Twitter? We have a surprise for you. 11% of those surveyed answered that they do not use any social networks at all . Surprising?

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