As for trends in Linkedin advertising for 2023 , we recommend trying out what artificial intelligence can do . We talked about the potential of using AI in B2B marketing in a previous blog post. But now we have specific tips in mind. Images from “own creation” of AI robots have proven to be effective . At first glance, they are imperfect, distracting, and disturbing. They simply have that “something” that a marketer is looking for, something that will make you stop and take a second, more thorough look. And that’s not all…
4 reasons to give AI images a chance in LinkedIn advertising
1. It will appeal to the right “target” . In the aforementioned article about the potential of AI in B2B marketing , we discussed how artificial intelligence is great for analysis. Thanks to gambling data singapore these superpowers, it can also deduce what image will interest your target group. Based on the analysis of data about Linkedin users, such as their preferences, behavior and professional data, and based on this information, it creates images that will interest / grab the heart / hit the nail on the head / hit the Achilles heel / …
2. They attract more attention than stock photos . If you’ve had enough of laughing at stock photo managers, you’re not alone. Images created with AI can be very creative, how to learn to protect yourself and your interests interesting, and, thanks to their slightly distorted and modified shapes (they can’t depict real people), they can even seem slightly disturbing… in short, they can attract attention to your ad.
3. Increases conversions . Logically. If AI-generated images are designed to be as relevant as possible to your target audience, they can also lead to improved conversions and ad performance.
4. You’ll save money . There’s no point in lying to yourself – money is always the first thing. And artificial intelligence can really significantly reduce your costs for creating advertising graphics.
Artificial intelligence is a great thing, but it is necessary to maintain a healthy distance. Have you taken your first “dose” and can’t stop? AI tempts us to rely on it too much, to artificial school email list intelligence trust it more than customer feedback, to forget that it is we who sign the creative. AI can help analyze, optimize, personalize, and can even help save costs (as in the example with AI images above), but it cannot 100% understand human emotions, motivations, and cannot decipher feedback . So everything in moderation.
See what AI just learned
Artificial intelligence is already “intelligent”, but it is still learning and evolving. To stay ahead, you need to keep up with the latest trends and innovations , observe what AI has just learned and automatically think about how to make the most of it for marketing. We feel that we are at a time when something extremely interesting is being created and it is quite fun to be there – to try, to experiment, to test. Something like when we first turned on MS DOS. Do you remember that?
Playful Linkedin – try interactive content and videos
But we were a little daydreaming. Let’s get back to the trends in Linkedin advertising. Personalization is clear. Artificial intelligence will help us with that. But what next? How to get a whiff of something new, fresh, and crisp into your Linkedin marketing? If you feel like it’s time to freshen up your approach to Linkedin B2B advertising, start having fun. Interactive content and videos will rule the advertising landscape in 2023 .
For a classic photo to be interesting, it has to be something. But video content is still something new for Linkedin consumers. And what is interactive content ? Isn’t it a cliché? Maybe, but that doesn’t bother us. We go after the core of the message. Quizzes, surveys, competitions. Everything where you ask the addressees for their opinion and give them the feeling that they have the opportunity to artificial intelligence decide on something, get involved somewhere and contribute their “little bit to the mill”. As soon as you want to talk on Linkedin in a way other than asking for a click.