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Apple Mail Privacy Guide

Apple Mail Privacy Guide.  Right now, all new versions of Apple’s operating systems have built-in MPP protocol in iOS, MacOS.   To understand how it affects both the sender and receiver, we first nee to properly understand what email privacy protection is in terms of Apple’s new privacy protocols.

What is postal privacy protection (MPP)?

Email privacy protection is an optional setting under Privacy that Apple recently adde to Apple Mail. When a user enables the Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) setting, it immediately bulk mail masters blocks all senders from accessing the recipient’s online information by masking their original IP address. As a result, senders, i.e. third parties, cannot access accurate information regarding:

  • When recipients opene their email.
  • Where the recipient was geographically locate when they opene their email.
  • What recipients did online shortly after opening the emails.

Is email privacy protection mandatory for users?

Apple Mail Privacy Guide. Email privacy protection protocols are not automatically  on any Apple device. MPP is a setting that the user can turn on or off according to their preferences. However, users are  if they want to enable MPP when they install the Apple Mail client on a new Apple device. In addition, users will continue to have the option to turn e-mail privacy protection on or off later in the settings.

bulk mail masters

Can any Apple user enable Mail’s privacy protection?

Although Apple is well- for providing long-lasting OS updates, there are now several old but active Apple devices on the market that are never update to previous OS versions. Therefore, not all Apple users can turn on MPP unless they all decide to upgrade to a why is email deliverability important newer Apple device. Meanwhile, anyone with a relatively recent Apple smart device should be able to update their OS and turn on MPP. The fact that owning a newer model helps minimize potential technical issues with the device in addition to implementing MPP should be enough to get users to upgrade.

Which iPhones have Apple iOS 15 Mail Privacy Protection?

All iPhone models with iOS 15 or later have the MPP option by default. iPhones older than iPhone 7 cannot be updated to iOS 15 or later iOS by lists versions. Consequently, all iPhones of iPhone 6s age or older are excluded from the figures. However, there is a better way to check if Apple’s iOS 15 mail privacy protection is available for a particular model.

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