While it is true that user experience is more related to subjective aspects such as emotional design, the tone of the message, the persuasive factor, ergonomics, etc., there are many more “objective” aspects that also play a prominent role, such as: the usability of the page, accessibility, architecture, adaptation to responsive, the form of interaction, loading speed, etc.
Check out how craig kistler explains it with this diagram:
more examples of positive ux
below we are going to present some more examples of positive user experiences so that you can see that the idea of satisfying the user is widespread among large e-commerce sites.
And there is no bigger ecommerce than amazon.es, so let’s look at some examples of it:
with this initiative, amazon wanted its users to relive the christmas spirit during their seasonal shopping.
I know some of you are probably thinking: “pffff, i’m sure sri lanka phone number library no one would turn on the music, it’s a pain to enter a page with music.”
i confess that i thought the same thing when i saw the initiative, but surprisingly, according to amazon, 70% of the visits to the page during the promotion activated the player.
Another example from amazon:
what do people do when they are going to buy a book they don’t know? Yes, they do: they read the back cover.
Well, with this initiative from amazon, users If you have written a great article can find out the details of the product they are going to purchase.
A nice touch from the sales giant, don’t you think?
What role should e-commerce sites play in ux?
Simply put, it’s about working to ensure that b2b phone list your visitors have the best possible user experience when interacting with your website; in other words, making sure that your users feel as satisfied (happy) as possible while browsing.