Not only are children not taught how to deal with this feeling, but they are also completely forbidden to show it in any way., swear, scream, hit, bite, and so on. Many mothers, for ucational purposes, bite their children in response in such a way as if to show them that it hurts and that it is not allow. But in fact, children under 2 years of age perceive the fact: if you bite your mother, they will bite you. At the same time, no explanation is given to the child about what he feels, what happen, and why.
And this continues further
The older the child Children are Children are gets, the more feelings and emotions he experiences, the brighter they are. Already from the age of 3, a person has his own desires, expectations and interests. Already at this age, he does not know how to defend them. After all, the only accessible and at the same time adequate way to get angry is not available to him. And he was not taught another way, he was simply forbidden.
Developing emotional intelligence is the key to protecting your interests
It turns out that the Children are btc users database problem of protecting one’s own interests lies in the fact that society is afraid of aggression and anger. Modern fashion in raising children allows them to feel everything that is happening inside them, and involving parents in discussing emotions and situations allows babies and children to see cause-and-effect relationships in everyday situations and reactions to them. In the future, this gives them the opportunity to transfer this experience into adulthood. By the way, this approach to ucation teaches adults emotions and feelings, and how to deal with them. All this is call emotional intelligence.
Ultimately, we see that the younger
Generation is much Children are better at self-regulation, they may have a slightly stronger self-esteem, self-confidence. And for them, using anger or rage to protect themselves and their interests is commonplace. And it doesn’t matter on whose field the struggle is being wag: be it a family conflict, at school or at work.
Personal experience
For me, showing aggression the complete guide to link building in the united states of america Children are in any of its half-tones was aero leads impossible. I was always afraid of conflicts and was a wonderful friend and employee who never argues or refuses. For me, it was terrible, I could not argue, because I immiately began to cry. Although I did not want it myself, but it was such a habitual and protective mechanism that terribly interfer in adulthood.