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AI applications in digital marketing

AI applications in digital marketing
Artificial Intelligence or AI has been around for some time now in the most important digital marketing campaigns . Its use is gradually becoming normalized and democratized. Prices, programs and services are within reach of smaller companies , so exploiting its applications is much more accessible.

Today we talk about AI in digital marketing and how to exploit its full potential in different direct marketing campaigns, email marketing or in your customer service division .

5 possibilities of AI in digital marketing

If you are thinking of updating your campaigns, implementing AI or Artificial Intelligence can be a very good option. These are some of the applications they have in current digital marketing :

Predictive analytics. This is one of the keys to AI and probably the specific database by industry one that offers the most potential to companies. It uses algorithms, old data and statistics to offer products or services when they are interested.
Personalization . AI makes it much easier to run personalized marketing campaigns. Again, using algorithms and data, it offers data personalization to all customers in a database .

specific database by industry

Chatbots . This type of

AI uses human responses and algorithms to solve problems for hundreds of people simultaneously. It significantly reduces final contacts with agents in support centers.
Recommendations. AI can process user data to offer users services or Kjo mund t’i lejojë klientët të formojnë pritshmëri dhe products based on their history, searches, etc.
Content creation. One of the most interesting features of Artificial Intelligence is the possibility of creating automatic content. Several major media outlets and companies around the world already use AI to create short stories, blogs or news . A topic 1000 mobile phone numbers and some context are enough to be able to automate content with fairly decent results.
AI is not the future, it is the present. It is already present in many of the digital marketing campaigns you consume and it is only a matter of time before it begins to be used massively around the world.

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