Many vendors and distributors are partly or completely dependent on a partner channel when it comes to selling products. But despite investments in channel marketing, many partners do not really seek out their supplier. The potential of the partner channel is apparently not being fully utilized. But how do you get more out of your partner channel? Because many Channel (Marketing) Managers are dealing with this issue, Paddls organized a Digital Round Table on October 7, 2020 with the theme: ‘How do you get more out of your partner channel?’ We will give you some tips and tricks that were mentioned during this Digital Round Table session.
Generating leads for partners or not?
Running campaigns to generate leads for partners appears to paraguay phone number library be an interesting topic for companies and organizations. Examples of campaigns that are mentioned are LinkedIn campaigns for a defined target group with a clear call-to-action and call campaigns for a specific product for a specific segment. On the one hand, this will bring you to the attention of your partners. On the other hand, there is a risk that partners will become less proactive in generating leads themselves.
In most cases, the partners themselves are responsible for lead generation and the sale of their products. Some participants provide new resellers with a number of leads and guide them through the first projects/implementations. After that, the how to receive payment via whatsapp: understand how it works + rules reseller must develop commercial activities themselves.
A situation that often occurs is that partners do not have to contribute to campaigns, but do receive leads. To create more commitment from partners, a possible solution is that partners pay a fee to be able to participate in a campaign. A middle way is to ask partners to make a deposit for a campaign, which they get back when deals result from it.
How do you optimally use MDF budgets? your partner channel
Often both vendors and distributors have MDF budget to give away. The vendor to the distributors for lead generation campaigns, or to run campaigns on the resellers. Think of topics such as training, branding and knowledge transfer. There appears to be little enthusiasm among resellers to proactively claim MDF budget. That is why some organizations regularly ask existing relationships to come up with a plan. In this plan, the partners describe what activities they are going to do, what they expect to get out of it in terms of pipeline, what their own investment will be, etc.
Only the best plans are invested in. Other organizations give their partners a percentage of the turnover as MDF budget. The disadvantage of this is that you can offer new belgium numbers partners little initially, because they have not yet achieved any turnover. While you want to give them a boost.
Quality is key. Ultimately, quality trumps quantity. You want your partners and customers to keep coming back to you.