Trending eCommerce During Coronavirus Phenomenon

Coronavirus has meant change from the very first moment, every aspect of each of our lives has had to irremiably change and adapt to this new situation. Starting from the work and social point of view, but also and above all, from the point of view of consumption. 

The attitude of buyers has undergone

A significant change of direction , as demonstrat by the research conduct by the Yotpo platform on a sample of 2000 people. The survey involv individuals of all ages, from America, Canada and Great Britain, and highlight the new trends in terms of consumer habits. 

There is no doubt that the pandemic has turn everyone’s lifestyle upside down, but for businesses in particular, quarantine has brought with it implications that can be consider interrelat: increas attention paid to corporate communication and changes in customer priorities .

More and more attention to corporate communication 

With more time available, people have start to surf more, do more research and pay more attention to the messages communicat by  whatsapp data companies. No brand can afford a press blackout in the face of an emergency, communicating in these times is fundamental, and communicating adequately is even more important .

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31.7% of respondents said they have start buying more online than in physical stores. More than half said they want to spend less in this  agb directory period of uncertainty. And as expect, attention to promotions and offers is at an all-time high. 

Being able to provide an optimal browsing experience has become a must for every business reality, not only because eCommerce is taking on a strategija za podizanje upravljanja reputacijom u maloprodaji  decisive role in the purchasing processes day after day, but because the attention of individuals is higher than ever, and a misstep in this situation can define the future success or failure of the brand in the long term. 

The Priority of Essential Goods and the Decline in Loyalty

The ranking of consumer goods has seen a reallocation of economic resources of individuals towards two sectors: food and sanitary hygiene material . This shift was perfectly prictable, in a period of crisis, basic necessities inevitably return to the podium and all other products and services seem to take a back seat. 

As you can easily imagine, the Yotpo interview also confirm this principle: 78.8% of the subjects consider food as the main priority in their consumption, immiately follow by personal care and wellness products. 

In times of crisis, necessity comes between the customer and the brand, eroding their loyalty relationship that has been creat over time. 40.55% of individuals say that when fac with the lack or exhaustion of their favorite brand, they prefer to turn to competing brands rather than wait for the restock. 

For some, running out of inventory may be a very remote possibility, but given the uncertainty of the 

This does not necessarily mean pushing for an increase in production, but rather investing in advance in effective communication , even if it means having to inform that your products are no longer available.

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