Home » 12 Ways To Build a Landing Page That Converts

12 Ways To Build a Landing Page That Converts

E-commerce will give your small business an opportunity to attain more customers. Participating in the virtual economy can help increase your annual business revenue dramatically. This is the primary reason why many business and economic experts encourage small business owners to create a website. The trick, though, is setting up a landing page that will convert those visits into sales.

Creating an impressive website is the first step towards having success on the Internet. Studies show that a poorly designed website is one of the main reasons why many small business owners fail to succeed with their online endeavors.

An impressive website will capture the attention of your potential customers. It will also convince them to purchase your goods or services.

You should always consider using a landing page to make first contact with your prospects. A landing page is designed to help you capture the name and email address of your potential customers or take part in any other action possible such as going to an intended page, purchasing a product or clicking a specific link.

Capturing this vital information can help you build a solid relationship with your customers. Statistics show that less than 20% percent of your prospects will make a purchase during the first visit to your site.

A landing page can help you market your products and services to your prospects over a period of time. This will increase your chances of making a sale.

It is critical that you keep a few concepts in mind when it comes time to build a landing page. The twelve tips listed below can help you create an effective landing page. These tips can also help you gain a significant edge over your competitors.

1. Create a Catchy Headline

Your headline will be the first thing the customer sees. It should contain a strong message and sales hook. A poorly written headline will hinder your page’s attempt at getting the potential customer’s contact information.

Creating a accurate mobile phone number list catchy headline should have large fonts. It should also be written in bright colors. According to many experts, red and yellow have provided the best results for many years.

2. Use Short-Form Contact Information

accurate mobile phone number list


Your landing page should only zašto postoji potreba za crm sistemom u b2b kompanijama concentrate on capturing the prospective customer’s name and email address. It would be a grave mistake for you to make an attempt at getting a visitor’s telephone number.

Many of your potential customers will not be comfortable in providing a telephone number. This often leads to poor conversions rates on the landing page.


3. Study Your Competitor’s Copy

Studying your competitor’s landing page will give you an opportunity to build a strategy to improve your own. Their sales copy may contain some vital details that can help increase the conversion rate for your landing page.

You don’t want to directly aero leads copy what the competition has online, but improve upon it. Discover if there is anything you’re missing or if there is something you’d do differently to engage the audience.

Analyzing at least thirty landing pages in your niche can help you develop new and fresh ideas if your landing page does not have a high conversion rate.

4. Avoid Excessive Graphics

Many small business owners make the mistake of having excessive graphics on their landing page. Too many images can distract your visitors once they have arrived. Try to keep the graphics to a minimum.


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